Do not autoplay videos, display play button instead. Use expiring links when using S3. Do not keep originals
for avatars/headers, resize avatars down to 120x120 instead of 300x300. Set cache headers on S3 stuff, also make it private (aka only accessible via expiring links to prevent hotlinking)
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 34 additions and 27 deletions
@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ const VideoPlayer = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
propTypes: {
width: React.PropTypes.number,
width: React.PropTypes.number,
height: React.PropTypes.number
height: React.PropTypes.number,
sensitive: React.PropTypes.bool
getDefaultProps () {
getDefaultProps () {
@ -102,6 +103,12 @@ const VideoPlayer = React.createClass({
<span style={spoilerSubSpanStyle}><FormattedMessage id='status.sensitive_toggle' defaultMessage='Click to view' /></span>
<span style={spoilerSubSpanStyle}><FormattedMessage id='status.sensitive_toggle' defaultMessage='Click to view' /></span>
} else if (!sensitive && !this.state.visible) {
return (
<div style={{ cursor: 'pointer', position: 'relative', marginTop: '8px', width: `${width}px`, height: `${height}px`, background: `url(${media.get('preview_url')}) no-repeat center`, backgroundSize: 'cover' }} onClick={this.handleOpen}>
<div style={{ position: 'absolute', top: '50%', left: '50%', fontSize: '36px', transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)', padding: '5px', borderRadius: '100px', color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)' }}><i className='fa fa-play' /></div>
return (
return (
@ -112,13 +112,11 @@ module AtomBuilderHelper
def link_enclosure(xml, media)
def link_enclosure(xml, media)
|||||| 'enclosure', href: full_asset_url(media.file.url), type: media.file_content_type, length: media.file_file_size)
| 'enclosure', href: full_asset_url(media.file.url(:original, false)), type: media.file_content_type, length: media.file_file_size)
def link_avatar(xml, account)
def link_avatar(xml, account)
single_link_avatar(xml, account, :large, 300)
single_link_avatar(xml, account, :original, 120)
# single_link_avatar(xml, account, :medium, 96)
# single_link_avatar(xml, account, :small, 48)
def logo(xml, url)
def logo(xml, url)
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module StreamEntriesHelper
def avatar_for_status_url(status)
def avatar_for_status_url(status)
status.reblog? ? status.reblog.account.avatar.url(:large) : status.account.avatar.url(:large)
status.reblog? ? status.reblog.account.avatar.expiring_url(3600, :original) : status.account.avatar.expiring_url(3600, :original)
def entry_classes(status, is_predecessor, is_successor, include_threads)
def entry_classes(status, is_predecessor, is_successor, include_threads)
@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ class Account < ApplicationRecord
validates :username, presence: true, uniqueness: { scope: :domain, case_sensitive: true }, unless: 'local?'
validates :username, presence: true, uniqueness: { scope: :domain, case_sensitive: true }, unless: 'local?'
# Avatar upload
# Avatar upload
has_attached_file :avatar, styles: { large: '300x300#' }, convert_options: { all: '-strip' }
has_attached_file :avatar, styles: { original: '120x120#' }, convert_options: { all: '-quality 80 -strip' }
validates_attachment_content_type :avatar, content_type: IMAGE_MIME_TYPES
validates_attachment_content_type :avatar, content_type: IMAGE_MIME_TYPES
validates_attachment_size :avatar, less_than: 2.megabytes
validates_attachment_size :avatar, less_than: 2.megabytes
# Header upload
# Header upload
has_attached_file :header, styles: { medium: '700x335#' }, convert_options: { all: '-strip' }
has_attached_file :header, styles: { original: '700x335#' }, convert_options: { all: '-quality 80 -strip' }
validates_attachment_content_type :header, content_type: IMAGE_MIME_TYPES
validates_attachment_content_type :header, content_type: IMAGE_MIME_TYPES
validates_attachment_size :header, less_than: 2.megabytes
validates_attachment_size :header, less_than: 2.megabytes
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class MediaAttachment < ApplicationRecord
has_attached_file :file,
has_attached_file :file,
styles: -> (f) { file_styles f },
styles: -> (f) { file_styles f },
processors: -> (f) { ? [:transcoder] : [:thumbnail] },
processors: -> (f) { ? [:transcoder] : [:thumbnail] },
convert_options: { all: '-strip' }
convert_options: { all: '-quality 80 -strip' }
validates_attachment_content_type :file, content_type: IMAGE_MIME_TYPES + VIDEO_MIME_TYPES
validates_attachment_content_type :file, content_type: IMAGE_MIME_TYPES + VIDEO_MIME_TYPES
validates_attachment_size :file, less_than: 4.megabytes
validates_attachment_size :file, less_than: 4.megabytes
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.avatar= image_tag account.avatar.url(:medium)
.avatar= image_tag account.avatar.expiring_url(3600, :original)
= link_to TagManager.instance.url_for(account) do
= link_to TagManager.instance.url_for(account) do
%span.display_name= display_name(account)
%span.display_name= display_name(account)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
.card{ style: "background-image: url(#{@account.header.url(:medium)})" }
.card{ style: "background-image: url(#{@account.header.expiring_url(3600, :original)})" }
- if user_signed_in? && !=
- if user_signed_in? && !=
- if current_account.following?(@account)
- if current_account.following?(@account)
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- else
- else
= link_to t('accounts.follow'), follow_account_path(@account), data: { method: :post }, class: 'button'
= link_to t('accounts.follow'), follow_account_path(@account), data: { method: :post }, class: 'button'
.avatar= image_tag @account.avatar.url(:large)
.avatar= image_tag @account.avatar.expiring_url(3600, :original)
= display_name(@account)
= display_name(@account)
%small= "@#{@account.username}"
%small= "@#{@account.username}"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ do |xml|
title xml, @account.display_name
title xml, @account.display_name
subtitle xml, @account.note
subtitle xml, @account.note
updated_at xml, stream_updated_at
updated_at xml, stream_updated_at
logo xml, full_asset_url(@account.avatar.url(:medium, false))
logo xml, full_asset_url(@account.avatar.expiring_url(3600, :original))
author(xml) do
author(xml) do
include_author xml, @account
include_author xml, @account
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ attributes :id, :username, :acct, :display_name
node(:note) { |account| Formatter.instance.simplified_format(account) }
node(:note) { |account| Formatter.instance.simplified_format(account) }
node(:url) { |account| TagManager.instance.url_for(account) }
node(:url) { |account| TagManager.instance.url_for(account) }
node(:avatar) { |account| full_asset_url(account.avatar.url(:large, false)) }
node(:avatar) { |account| full_asset_url(account.avatar.expiring_url(3600, :original)) }
node(:header) { |account| full_asset_url(account.header.url(:medium, false)) }
node(:header) { |account| full_asset_url(account.header.expiring_url(3600, :original)) }
node(:followers_count) { |account| defined?(@followers_counts_map) ? (@followers_counts_map[] || 0) : (account.try(:followers_count) || account.followers.count) }
node(:followers_count) { |account| defined?(@followers_counts_map) ? (@followers_counts_map[] || 0) : (account.try(:followers_count) || account.followers.count) }
node(:following_count) { |account| defined?(@following_counts_map) ? (@following_counts_map[] || 0) : (account.try(:following_count) || account.following.count) }
node(:following_count) { |account| defined?(@following_counts_map) ? (@following_counts_map[] || 0) : (account.try(:following_count) || account.following.count) }
node(:statuses_count) { |account| defined?(@statuses_counts_map) ? (@statuses_counts_map[] || 0) : (account.try(:statuses_count) || account.statuses.count) }
node(:statuses_count) { |account| defined?(@statuses_counts_map) ? (@statuses_counts_map[] || 0) : (account.try(:statuses_count) || account.statuses.count) }
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
object @media
object @media
attribute :id, :type
attribute :id, :type
node(:url) { |media| full_asset_url(media.file.url) }
node(:url) { |media| full_asset_url(media.file.expiring_url(3600, :original)) }
node(:preview_url) { |media| full_asset_url(media.file.url(:small)) }
node(:preview_url) { |media| full_asset_url(media.file.expiring_url(3600, :small)) }
node(:text_url) { |media| medium_url(media) }
node(:text_url) { |media| medium_url(media) }
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
attributes :id, :remote_url, :type
attributes :id, :remote_url, :type
node(:url) { |media| full_asset_url(media.file.url) }
node(:url) { |media| full_asset_url(media.file.expiring_url(3600, :original)) }
node(:preview_url) { |media| full_asset_url(media.file.url(:small)) }
node(:preview_url) { |media| full_asset_url(media.file.expiring_url(3600, :small)) }
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- if (status.reblog? ? status.reblog : status).media_attachments.size > 0
- if (status.reblog? ? status.reblog : status).media_attachments.size > 0
- (status.reblog? ? status.reblog : status).media_attachments.each do |media|
- (status.reblog? ? status.reblog : status).media_attachments.each do |media|
%li.transparent-background= link_to '', media.file.url, style: "background-image: url(#{media.file.url(:small)})", target: '_blank'
%li.transparent-background= link_to '', media.file.expiring_url(3600, :original), style: "background-image: url(#{media.file.expiring_url(3600, :small)})", target: '_blank'
- if include_threads
- if include_threads
= render partial: 'status', collection: @descendants, as: :status, locals: { is_successor: true }
= render partial: 'status', collection: @descendants, as: :status, locals: { is_successor: true }
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
%meta{ name: 'og:title', content: "#{@account.username} on #{Rails.configuration.x.local_domain}" }/
%meta{ name: 'og:title', content: "#{@account.username} on #{Rails.configuration.x.local_domain}" }/
%meta{ name: 'og:article:author', content: @account.username }/
%meta{ name: 'og:article:author', content: @account.username }/
%meta{ name: 'og:description', content: @stream_entry.activity.content }/
%meta{ name: 'og:description', content: @stream_entry.activity.content }/
%meta{ name: 'og:image', content: @stream_entry.activity.is_a?(Status) && @stream_entry.activity.media_attachments.size > 0 ? full_asset_url(@stream_entry.activity.media_attachments.first.file.url(:small)) : full_asset_url(@account.avatar.url(:large)) }/
%meta{ name: 'og:image', content: @stream_entry.activity.is_a?(Status) && @stream_entry.activity.media_attachments.size > 0 ? full_asset_url(@stream_entry.activity.media_attachments.first.file.expiring_url(3600, :small)) : full_asset_url(@account.avatar.expiring_url(3600, :original)) }/
= render partial: @type, locals: { @type.to_sym => @stream_entry.activity, include_threads: true }
= render partial: @type, locals: { @type.to_sym => @stream_entry.activity, include_threads: true }
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
if ENV['S3_ENABLED'] == 'true'
if ENV['S3_ENABLED'] == 'true'
Aws.eager_autoload!(services: %w(S3))
Aws.eager_autoload!(services: %w(S3))
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:storage] = :s3
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:storage] = :s3
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:s3_protocol] = 'https'
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:s3_protocol] = 'https'
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:url] = ':s3_domain_url'
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:url] = ':s3_domain_url'
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:s3_host_name] = "s3-#{ENV.fetch('S3_REGION')}"
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:s3_host_name] = "s3-#{ENV.fetch('S3_REGION')}"
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:path] = '/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:filename'
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:path] = '/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:filename'
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:s3_headers] = { 'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=315576000', 'Expires' => 10.years.from_now.httpdate }
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:s3_permissions] = :private
unless ENV['S3_CLOUDFRONT_HOST'].blank?
unless ENV['S3_CLOUDFRONT_HOST'].blank?
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:url] = ':s3_alias_url'
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:url] = ':s3_alias_url'
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.9 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.9 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 681 B |
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ RSpec.describe AtomBuilderHelper, type: :helper do
let(:account) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'alice') }
let(:account) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'alice') }
it 'creates a link' do
it 'creates a link' do
expect(used_with_namespaces { |xml| helper.link_avatar(xml, account) }).to match '<link rel="avatar" type="" media:width="300" media:height="300" href=""/>'
expect(used_with_namespaces { |xml| helper.link_avatar(xml, account) }).to match '<link rel="avatar" type="" media:width="120" media:height="120" href=""/>'
Add table
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