diff --git a/.env.production.sample b/.env.production.sample
index 7bcce0f7e5..a6f7b9c5a6 100644
--- a/.env.production.sample
+++ b/.env.production.sample
@@ -301,3 +301,17 @@ MAX_POLL_OPTION_CHARS=100
 # -----------------------
+# Scope of full-text status searches (previously named SEARCH_SCOPE):
+# - discoverable: search any status with public visibility that was created by a discoverable, non-silenced account
+#   - Note that statuses are not automatically re-indexed when the creating account's flags change.
+# - public: search any status with public visibility
+# - public_or_unlisted: search any status with public or unlisted visibility
+# - classic: searches only a user's own statuses, favs, bookmarks, and mentions
+# Scope of full-text account searches:
+# - discoverable: search any discoverable, non-silenced account's profile by full-text search on bio text and fields
+# - all: search any profile by full-text search on bio text and fields
+# - classic: search only account names, display names, and hashtags, do not use full-text indexes
diff --git a/app/chewy/accounts_index.rb b/app/chewy/accounts_index.rb
index e38e14a106..bbff796fd5 100644
--- a/app/chewy/accounts_index.rb
+++ b/app/chewy/accounts_index.rb
@@ -2,6 +2,21 @@
 class AccountsIndex < Chewy::Index
   settings index: { refresh_interval: '30s' }, analysis: {
+    filter: {
+      english_stop: {
+        type: 'stop',
+        stopwords: '_english_',
+      },
+      english_stemmer: {
+        type: 'stemmer',
+        language: 'english',
+      },
+      english_possessive_stemmer: {
+        type: 'stemmer',
+        language: 'possessive_english',
+      },
+    },
     analyzer: {
       content: {
         tokenizer: 'whitespace',
@@ -12,6 +27,18 @@ class AccountsIndex < Chewy::Index
         tokenizer: 'edge_ngram',
         filter: %w(lowercase asciifolding cjk_width),
+      text: {
+        tokenizer: 'uax_url_email',
+        filter: %w(
+          english_possessive_stemmer
+          lowercase
+          asciifolding
+          cjk_width
+          english_stop
+          english_stemmer
+        ),
+      },
     tokenizer: {
@@ -21,6 +48,17 @@ class AccountsIndex < Chewy::Index
         max_gram: 15,
+    normalizer: {
+      tag: {
+        type: 'custom',
+        filter: %w(
+          lowercase
+          asciifolding
+          cjk_width
+        ),
+      },
+    },
   index_scope ::Account.searchable.includes(:account_stat)
@@ -38,6 +76,17 @@ class AccountsIndex < Chewy::Index
     field :following_count, type: 'long', value: ->(account) { account.following_count }
     field :followers_count, type: 'long', value: ->(account) { account.followers_count }
+    field :created_at, type: 'date'
     field :last_status_at, type: 'date', value: ->(account) { account.last_status_at || account.created_at }
+    field :discoverable, type: 'boolean'
+    field :silenced, type: 'boolean', value: ->(account) { account.silenced? }
+    field :domain, type: 'keyword', value: ->(account) { account.domain }
+    field :is, type: 'keyword', value: ->(account) { account.searchable_is }
+    field :emojis, type: 'keyword', value: ->(account) { account.searchable_emojis }
+    field :tags, type: 'keyword', normalizer: 'tag', value: ->(account) { account.searchable_tags }
+    field :text, type: 'text', value: ->(account) { account.searchable_text } do
+      field :stemmed, type: 'text', analyzer: 'text'
+    end
diff --git a/app/chewy/statuses_index.rb b/app/chewy/statuses_index.rb
index 6dd4fb18b0..f94b9e69aa 100644
--- a/app/chewy/statuses_index.rb
+++ b/app/chewy/statuses_index.rb
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ class StatusesIndex < Chewy::Index
         language: 'possessive_english',
     analyzer: {
       content: {
         tokenizer: 'uax_url_email',
@@ -31,6 +32,17 @@ class StatusesIndex < Chewy::Index
+    normalizer: {
+      tag: {
+        type: 'custom',
+        filter: %w(
+          lowercase
+          asciifolding
+          cjk_width
+        ),
+      },
+    },
   # We do not use delete_if option here because it would call a method that we
@@ -65,6 +77,17 @@ class StatusesIndex < Chewy::Index
   root date_detection: false do
     field :id, type: 'long'
     field :account_id, type: 'long'
+    field :created_at, type: 'date'
+    field :visibility, type: 'keyword'
+    field :discoverable, type: 'boolean', value: ->(status) { status.account.discoverable }
+    field :silenced, type: 'boolean', value: ->(status) { status.account.silenced? }
+    field :domain, type: 'keyword', value: ->(status) { status.account.domain }
+    field :lang, type: 'keyword', value: ->(status) { status.language }
+    field :is, type: 'keyword', value: ->(status) { status.searchable_is }
+    field :has, type: 'keyword', value: ->(status) { status.searchable_has }
+    field :emojis, type: 'keyword', value: ->(status) { status.searchable_emojis }
+    field :tags, type: 'keyword', normalizer: 'tag', value: ->(status) { status.searchable_tags }
+    field :mentions_ids, type: 'long', value: ->(status) { status.searchable_mentions_ids }
     field :text, type: 'text', value: ->(status) { status.searchable_text } do
       field :stemmed, type: 'text', analyzer: 'content'
diff --git a/app/javascript/mastodon/features/search_reference/index.jsx b/app/javascript/mastodon/features/search_reference/index.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b30a4aef4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/javascript/mastodon/features/search_reference/index.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import Column from 'mastodon/components/column';
+import { defineMessages, injectIntl, FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component';
+import ColumnHeader from 'mastodon/components/column_header';
+import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet';
+import { searchEnabled } from '../../initial_state';
+const messages = defineMessages({
+  heading: { id: 'search_reference.heading', defaultMessage: 'Search Reference' },
+class SearchReference extends ImmutablePureComponent {
+  static propTypes = {
+    intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
+    multiColumn: PropTypes.bool,
+  };
+  render () {
+    const { intl, multiColumn } = this.props;
+    return (
+      <Column>
+        <ColumnHeader
+          title={intl.formatMessage(messages.heading)}
+          icon='question'
+          multiColumn={multiColumn}
+        />
+        <div className='search-reference scrollable optionally-scrollable'>
+          <p>
+            { searchEnabled
+              ? <FormattedMessage id='search_popout.tips.full_text' defaultMessage='Simple text returns statuses you have written, favourited, boosted, or have been mentioned in, as well as matching usernames, display names, and hashtags.' />
+              : <FormattedMessage id='search_popout.tips.text' defaultMessage='Simple text returns matching display names, usernames and hashtags' />
+            }
+          </p>
+          <table>
+            <thead>
+              <tr>
+                <th><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.operator' defaultMessage='Operator' /></th>
+                <th><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.description' defaultMessage='Description' /></th>
+              </tr>
+            </thead>
+            <tbody>
+              <tr>
+                <th colSpan='2'><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.sections.lookups' defaultMessage='Lookups' /></th>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <td><kbd>#example</kbd></td>
+                <td><FormattedMessage id='search_popout.tips.hashtag' defaultMessage='hashtag' /></td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <td><kbd>@username@domain</kbd></td>
+                <td><FormattedMessage id='search_popout.tips.user' defaultMessage='user' /></td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <td><kbd>URL</kbd></td>
+                <td><FormattedMessage id='search_popout.tips.user' defaultMessage='user' /></td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <td><kbd>URL</kbd></td>
+                <td><FormattedMessage id='search_popout.tips.status' defaultMessage='status' /></td>
+              </tr>
+            </tbody>
+            { searchEnabled &&
+              <tbody>
+                <tr>
+                  <th colSpan='2'><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.sections.advanced_syntax' defaultMessage='Advanced syntax' /></th>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>+term</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.include' defaultMessage='require term in results' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>-term</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.exclude' defaultMessage='exclude results containing term' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>&quot;John Mastodon&quot;</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.phrase' defaultMessage='search for an entire phrase instead of a single word' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>cat has:media</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.combinations' defaultMessage='operators can be combined with search terms or each other' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>-is:bot</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.negation' defaultMessage='most operators can be negated' /></td>
+                </tr>
+              </tbody>
+            }
+            { searchEnabled &&
+              <tbody>
+                <tr>
+                  <th colSpan='2'><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.sections.accounts_and_posts' defaultMessage='Account and post operators' /></th>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>is:bot</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.is.bot' defaultMessage='automated accounts and posts from them' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>domain:example.org</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.domain' defaultMessage='limit search to users and posts from a given domain' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>scope:following</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.scope.following' defaultMessage='limit search to users that you follow and posts from them' /></td>
+                </tr>
+              </tbody>
+            }
+            { searchEnabled &&
+              <tbody>
+                <tr>
+                  <th colSpan='2'><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.sections.accounts' defaultMessage='Account operators' /></th>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>is:group</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.is.group' defaultMessage='accounts which represent groups' /></td>
+                </tr>
+              </tbody>
+            }
+            { searchEnabled &&
+              <tbody>
+                <tr>
+                  <th colspan='2'><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.sections.posts' defaultMessage='Post operators' /></th>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>from:@username@domain</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.from' defaultMessage='posts authored by a given user' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>mentions:@username@domain</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.mentions' defaultMessage='posts mentioning a given user' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>is:reply</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.is.reply' defaultMessage='posts that are replies to another post' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>is:sensitive</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.is.sensitive' defaultMessage='posts that include sensitive media' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>lang:es</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.lang' defaultMessage='posts in the given language' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>has:link</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.has.link' defaultMessage='posts that contain links' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>has:media</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.has.media' defaultMessage='posts that include media of some kind' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>has:poll</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.has.poll' defaultMessage='posts that include a poll' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>has:warning</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.has.warning' defaultMessage='posts that have a content warning' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>before:2022-12-17</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.date.before' defaultMessage='search before a given date' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>after:2022-12-17</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.date.after' defaultMessage='search after a given date' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>sort:newest</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.sort.newest' defaultMessage='show newest results first' /></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td><kbd>sort:oldest</kbd></td>
+                  <td><FormattedMessage id='search_reference.search_operators.sort.oldest' defaultMessage='show oldest results first' /></td>
+                </tr>
+              </tbody>
+            }
+          </table>
+        </div>
+        <Helmet>
+          <meta name='robots' content='noindex' />
+        </Helmet>
+      </Column>
+    );
+  }
+export default injectIntl(SearchReference);
diff --git a/app/javascript/mastodon/features/ui/components/link_footer.jsx b/app/javascript/mastodon/features/ui/components/link_footer.jsx
index 68ef015ab9..9e17b05fca 100644
--- a/app/javascript/mastodon/features/ui/components/link_footer.jsx
+++ b/app/javascript/mastodon/features/ui/components/link_footer.jsx
@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ class LinkFooter extends React.PureComponent {
           <Link to='/keyboard-shortcuts'><FormattedMessage id='footer.keyboard_shortcuts' defaultMessage='Keyboard shortcuts' /></Link>
+          <Link to='/search-reference'><FormattedMessage id='footer.search_reference' defaultMessage='Search reference' /></Link>
+          {DividingCircle}
           <a href={source_url} rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'><FormattedMessage id='footer.source_code' defaultMessage='View source code' /></a>
diff --git a/app/javascript/mastodon/features/ui/index.jsx b/app/javascript/mastodon/features/ui/index.jsx
index 0e73f4c096..72d98cc2d2 100644
--- a/app/javascript/mastodon/features/ui/index.jsx
+++ b/app/javascript/mastodon/features/ui/index.jsx
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import {
+  SearchReference,
@@ -177,6 +178,7 @@ class SwitchingColumnsArea extends React.PureComponent {
           <WrappedRoute path='/getting-started' component={GettingStarted} content={children} />
           <WrappedRoute path='/keyboard-shortcuts' component={KeyboardShortcuts} content={children} />
+          <WrappedRoute path='/search-reference' component={SearchReference} content={children} />
           <WrappedRoute path='/about' component={About} content={children} />
           <WrappedRoute path='/privacy-policy' component={PrivacyPolicy} content={children} />
@@ -484,7 +486,7 @@ class UI extends React.PureComponent {
   handleHotkeyToggleHelp = () => {
-    if (this.props.location.pathname === '/keyboard-shortcuts') {
+    if (this.props.location.pathname === '/keyboard-shortcuts' || this.props.location.pathname === '/search-reference') {
     } else {
diff --git a/app/javascript/mastodon/features/ui/util/async-components.js b/app/javascript/mastodon/features/ui/util/async-components.js
index 1cf07f6453..a856177674 100644
--- a/app/javascript/mastodon/features/ui/util/async-components.js
+++ b/app/javascript/mastodon/features/ui/util/async-components.js
@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ export function KeyboardShortcuts () {
   return import(/* webpackChunkName: "features/keyboard_shortcuts" */'../../keyboard_shortcuts');
+export function SearchReference () {
+  return import(/* webpackChunkName: "features/search_reference" */'../../search_reference');
 export function PinnedStatuses () {
   return import(/* webpackChunkName: "features/pinned_statuses" */'../../pinned_statuses');
diff --git a/app/javascript/styles/mastodon/components.scss b/app/javascript/styles/mastodon/components.scss
index 8622527817..fc9a3f0404 100644
--- a/app/javascript/styles/mastodon/components.scss
+++ b/app/javascript/styles/mastodon/components.scss
@@ -3320,10 +3320,15 @@ $ui-header-height: 55px;
-.keyboard-shortcuts {
+.search-reference {
   padding: 8px 0 0;
   overflow: hidden;
+  p {
+    padding: 0 10px 8px;
+  }
   thead {
     position: absolute;
     inset-inline-start: -9999px;
@@ -3333,6 +3338,12 @@ $ui-header-height: 55px;
     padding: 0 10px 8px;
+  th {
+    padding: 8px 10px;
+    text-align: left;
+    font-weight: bold;
+  }
   kbd {
     display: inline-block;
     padding: 3px 5px;
diff --git a/app/lib/importer/statuses_index_importer.rb b/app/lib/importer/statuses_index_importer.rb
index b0721c2e02..4aa31161c1 100644
--- a/app/lib/importer/statuses_index_importer.rb
+++ b/app/lib/importer/statuses_index_importer.rb
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class Importer::StatusesIndexImporter < Importer::BaseImporter
           # is called before rendering the data and we need to filter based
           # on the results of the filter, so this filtering happens here instead
           bulk.map! do |entry|
-            new_entry = if entry[:index] && entry.dig(:index, :data, 'searchable_by').blank?
+            new_entry = if entry[:index] && entry.dig(:index, :data, 'searchable_by').blank? && Rails.configuration.x.status_search_scope == :classic
                           { delete: entry[:index].except(:data) }
@@ -56,13 +56,23 @@ class Importer::StatusesIndexImporter < Importer::BaseImporter
   def scopes
-    [
+    classic_scopes = [
+    case Rails.configuration.x.status_search_scope
+    when :discoverable
+      classic_scopes + [discoverable_scope]
+    when :public
+      classic_scopes + [public_scope]
+    when :public_or_unlisted
+      classic_scopes + [public_or_unlisted_scope]
+    else
+      classic_scopes
+    end
   def local_mentions_scope
@@ -84,4 +94,16 @@ class Importer::StatusesIndexImporter < Importer::BaseImporter
   def local_statuses_scope
     Status.local.select('"statuses"."id", COALESCE("statuses"."reblog_of_id", "statuses"."id") AS status_id')
+  def discoverable_scope
+    Status.with_public_visibility.where(account: Account.discoverable).select('"statuses"."id", "statuses"."id" AS status_id')
+  end
+  def public_scope
+    Status.with_public_visibility.select('"statuses"."id", "statuses"."id" AS status_id')
+  end
+  def public_or_unlisted_scope
+    Status.with_public_or_unlisted_visibility.select('"statuses"."id", "statuses"."id" AS status_id')
+  end
diff --git a/app/lib/search_query_parser.rb b/app/lib/search_query_parser.rb
index 15956d4cfd..9512d47eee 100644
--- a/app/lib/search_query_parser.rb
+++ b/app/lib/search_query_parser.rb
@@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
 # frozen_string_literal: true
 class SearchQueryParser < Parslet::Parser
-  rule(:term)      { match('[^\s":]').repeat(1).as(:term) }
+  rule(:term)      { match('[^\s"]').repeat(1).as(:term) }
   rule(:quote)     { str('"') }
   rule(:colon)     { str(':') }
+  rule(:hash)      { str('#') }
   rule(:space)     { match('\s').repeat(1) }
   rule(:operator)  { (str('+') | str('-')).as(:operator) }
-  rule(:prefix)    { (term >> colon).as(:prefix) }
-  rule(:shortcode) { (colon >> term >> colon.maybe).as(:shortcode) }
-  rule(:phrase)    { (quote >> (term >> space.maybe).repeat >> quote).as(:phrase) }
-  rule(:clause)    { (prefix.maybe >> operator.maybe >> (phrase | term | shortcode)).as(:clause) }
+  # See SearchQueryTransformer::PrefixClause::initialize for list of legal prefix operators.
+  # These are explictly enumerated here so they don't get mistaken for URLs.
+  rule(:prefix)    { ((str('domain') | str('is') | str('has') | str('lang') | str('before') | str('after') | str('from') | str('mentions') | str('to') | str('scope') | str('sort')).as(:prefix) >> colon) }
+  # See CustomEmoji::SHORTCODE_RE_FRAGMENT and SCAN_RE for emoji grammar.
+  rule(:shortcode) { (colon >> match('[a-zA-Z0-9_]').repeat(2).as(:shortcode) >> colon) }
+  rule(:hashtag)   { (hash >> match('[^\s#]').repeat(1).as(:hashtag)) }
+  rule(:phrase)    { (quote >> match('[^"]').repeat(1).as(:phrase) >> quote) }
+  rule(:clause)    { (operator.maybe >> prefix.maybe >> (phrase | shortcode | hashtag | term)).as(:clause) }
   rule(:query)     { (clause >> space.maybe).repeat.as(:query) }
diff --git a/app/lib/search_query_transformer.rb b/app/lib/search_query_transformer.rb
index aef05e9d9d..acb5f2bc6b 100644
--- a/app/lib/search_query_transformer.rb
+++ b/app/lib/search_query_transformer.rb
@@ -2,43 +2,150 @@
 class SearchQueryTransformer < Parslet::Transform
   class Query
-    attr_reader :should_clauses, :must_not_clauses, :must_clauses, :filter_clauses
+    attr_reader :should_clauses, :must_not_clauses, :must_clauses, :filter_clauses, :order_clauses
     def initialize(clauses)
-      grouped = clauses.chunk(&:operator).to_h
+      grouped = clauses.group_by(&:operator).to_h
       @should_clauses = grouped.fetch(:should, [])
       @must_not_clauses = grouped.fetch(:must_not, [])
       @must_clauses = grouped.fetch(:must, [])
       @filter_clauses = grouped.fetch(:filter, [])
+      @order_clauses = grouped.fetch(:order, [])
-    def apply(search)
-      should_clauses.each { |clause| search = search.query.should(clause_to_query(clause)) }
-      must_clauses.each { |clause| search = search.query.must(clause_to_query(clause)) }
-      must_not_clauses.each { |clause| search = search.query.must_not(clause_to_query(clause)) }
-      filter_clauses.each { |clause| search = search.filter(**clause_to_filter(clause)) }
+    # Return account IDs that must not block the searching account for the search to be legal.
+    def statuses_required_account_ids
+      ids = Set.new
+      positive_clauses = [should_clauses, must_clauses, filter_clauses]
+      positive_clauses.each do |clauses|
+        clauses.each do |clause|
+          id = clause_to_account_id(clause)
+          ids << id unless id.nil?
+        end
+      end
+      ids
+    end
+    # Modifies a statuses search to include clauses from this query.
+    def statuses_apply(search, account_id, following_ids)
+      search_type = :statuses
+      check_search_type(search_type)
+      search_fields = %w(text text.stemmed)
+      should_clauses.each { |clause| search = search.query.should(clause_to_query(clause, search_type, search_fields, account_id: account_id, following_ids: following_ids)) }
+      must_clauses.each { |clause| search = search.query.must(clause_to_query(clause, search_type, search_fields, account_id: account_id, following_ids: following_ids)) }
+      must_not_clauses.each { |clause| search = search.query.must_not(clause_to_query(clause, search_type, search_fields, account_id: account_id, following_ids: following_ids)) }
+      filter_clauses.each { |clause| search = search.filter(clause_to_query(clause, search_type, search_fields, account_id: account_id, following_ids: following_ids)) }
+      if order_clauses.empty?
+        # Default to most recent results first.
+        search = search.order(created_at: :desc)
+      else
+        order_clauses.each { |clause| search = search.order(clause_to_order(clause)) }
+      end
+    # Generates the core query used for an accounts search.
+    def accounts_query(likely_acct, search_scope, account_exists, following, following_ids)
+      search_type = :accounts
+      check_search_type(search_type)
+      full_text_enabled = account_exists && search_scope != :classic
+      search_fields = %w(acct.edge_ngram acct)
+      search_fields += %w(display_name.edge_ngram display_name) unless likely_acct
+      search_fields += %w(text.stemmed text) if full_text_enabled
+      params = {
+        must: must_clauses.map { |clause| clause_to_query(clause, search_type, search_fields, following_ids: following_ids) },
+        must_not: must_not_clauses.map { |clause| clause_to_query(clause, search_type, search_fields, following_ids: following_ids) },
+        should: should_clauses.map { |clause| clause_to_query(clause, search_type, search_fields, following_ids: following_ids) },
+        filter: filter_clauses.map { |clause| clause_to_query(clause, search_type, search_fields, following_ids: following_ids) },
+      }
+      if account_exists
+        if following
+          params[:filter] << { terms: { id: following_ids } }
+        elsif following_ids.any?
+          params[:should] << { terms: { id: following_ids, boost: 0.5 } }
+        end
+      end
+      if full_text_enabled && search_scope == :discoverable
+        params[:filter] << { term: { discoverable: true } }
+        params[:filter] << { term: { silenced: false } }
+      end
+      { bool: params }
+    end
-    def clause_to_query(clause)
-      case clause
-      when TermClause
-        { multi_match: { type: 'most_fields', query: clause.term, fields: ['text', 'text.stemmed'] } }
-      when PhraseClause
-        { match_phrase: { text: { query: clause.phrase } } }
-      else
-        raise "Unexpected clause type: #{clause}"
+    # Raise an exception if there are clauses that don't work with this search type.
+    def check_search_type(search_type)
+      [
+        @should_clauses,
+        @must_not_clauses,
+        @must_clauses,
+        @filter_clauses,
+        @order_clauses,
+      ].each do |clauses|
+        clauses.each do |clause|
+          raise Mastodon::SyntaxError, "Unexpected clause for search type #{search_type}" if clause.respond_to?(:search_types) && clause.search_types.exclude?(search_type)
+        end
-    def clause_to_filter(clause)
+    # Return any account ID related to a clause.
+    def clause_to_account_id(clause)
+      clause.term if clause.is_a?(PrefixClause) && %i(account_id mentions_ids).include?(clause.filter.to_sym)
+    end
+    def clause_to_query(clause, search_type, search_fields, account_id: nil, following_ids: nil)
+      case clause
+      when TermClause
+        { multi_match: { type: 'most_fields', query: clause.term, fields: search_fields, operator: 'and' } }
+      when PhraseClause
+        { match_phrase: { text: { query: clause.phrase } } }
+      when PrefixClause
+        # Some prefix clauses yield queries that depend on the search type or account.
+        filter = case clause.filter
+                 when :account_id_filter_placeholder
+                   case search_type
+                   when :accounts
+                     'id'
+                   when :statuses
+                     'account_id'
+                   else
+                     raise Mastodon::SyntaxError, "Unexpected search type for query: #{search_type}"
+                   end
+                 else
+                   clause.filter
+                 end
+        term = case clause.term
+               when :account_id_placeholder
+                 account_id
+               when :following_ids_placeholder
+                 following_ids
+               else
+                 clause.term
+               end
+        { clause.query => { filter => term } }
+      when EmojiClause
+        { term: { emojis: clause.shortcode } }
+      when TagClause
+        { term: { tags: clause.tag } }
+      else
+        raise Mastodon::SyntaxError, "Unexpected clause type for query: #{clause}"
+      end
+    end
+    def clause_to_order(clause)
       case clause
       when PrefixClause
-        { term: { clause.filter => clause.term } }
+        { clause.term => clause.order }
-        raise "Unexpected clause type: #{clause}"
+        raise Mastodon::SyntaxError, "Unexpected clause type for filter: #{clause}"
@@ -54,7 +161,18 @@ class SearchQueryTransformer < Parslet::Transform
         when nil
-          raise "Unknown operator: #{str}"
+          raise Mastodon::SyntaxError, "Unknown operator: #{str}"
+        end
+      end
+      def filter_context_symbol(str)
+        case str
+        when '+', nil
+          :filter
+        when '-'
+          :must_not
+        else
+          raise Mastodon::SyntaxError, "Unknown operator: #{str}"
@@ -80,40 +198,176 @@ class SearchQueryTransformer < Parslet::Transform
+  class EmojiClause
+    attr_reader :prefix, :operator, :shortcode
+    def initialize(prefix, operator, shortcode)
+      @prefix = prefix
+      @operator = Operator.filter_context_symbol(operator)
+      @shortcode = shortcode
+    end
+  end
+  class TagClause
+    attr_reader :prefix, :operator, :tag
+    def initialize(prefix, operator, tag)
+      @prefix = prefix
+      @operator = Operator.filter_context_symbol(operator)
+      @tag = tag
+    end
+  end
+  # If you add a new prefix here, make sure to add it to SearchQueryParser as well.
   class PrefixClause
-    attr_reader :filter, :operator, :term
+    attr_reader :filter, :operator, :term, :order, :query, :search_types
+    def initialize(prefix, operator, term)
+      # These defaults may be modified by prefix-operator-specific initializers below.
+      @query = :term
+      @filter = prefix
+      @term = term
+      # Some prefixes don't apply to all search types.
+      @search_types = %i(accounts statuses)
+      @operator = Operator.filter_context_symbol(operator)
-    def initialize(prefix, term)
-      @operator = :filter
       case prefix
-      when 'from'
-        @filter = :account_id
+      when 'domain'
+        initialize_is_local if TagManager.instance.local_domain?(term)
-        username, domain = term.gsub(/\A@/, '').split('@')
-        domain           = nil if TagManager.instance.local_domain?(domain)
-        account          = Account.find_remote!(username, domain)
+      when 'is'
+        initialize_is(term)
+      when 'has'
+        initialize_has(term)
+      when 'lang'
+        @search_types = %i(statuses)
+      when 'before', 'after'
+        initialize_date_range(prefix, operator, term)
+      when 'from', 'mentions', 'to'
+        initialize_account(prefix, term)
+      when 'scope'
+        initialize_scope(operator, term)
+      when 'sort'
+        initialize_sort(operator, term)
-        @term = account.id
         raise Mastodon::SyntaxError
+    private
+    def initialize_is(term)
+      case term
+      when 'bot', 'group'
+        # These apply to all search types. No action required.
+      when 'local'
+        initialize_is_local
+      when 'local_only', 'reply', 'sensitive'
+        @search_types = %i(statuses)
+      else
+        raise Mastodon::SyntaxError, "Unknown keyword for is: prefix: #{term}"
+      end
+    end
+    # We can identify local objects by querying for objects that don't have a domain field.
+    def initialize_is_local
+      @operator = @operator == :filter ? :must_not : :filter
+      @query = :exists
+      @filter = :field
+      @term = 'domain'
+    end
+    def initialize_has(term)
+      @search_types = %i(statuses)
+      case term
+      when 'link', 'media', 'poll', 'warning', *(MediaAttachment.types.keys.reject { |t| t == 'unknown' })
+        # Pass all of these through.
+      when 'cw', 'spoiler'
+        @term = 'warning'
+      else
+        raise Mastodon::SyntaxError, "Unknown keyword for has: prefix: #{term}"
+      end
+    end
+    def initialize_date_range(prefix, operator, term)
+      raise Mastodon::SyntaxError, 'Operator not allowed for date range' unless operator.nil?
+      @query = :range
+      @filter = 'created_at'
+      @term = {
+        before: { lt: term },
+        after: { gt: term },
+      }[prefix.to_sym] or raise Mastodon::SyntaxError, "Unknown date range prefix: #{prefix}"
+    end
+    def initialize_account(prefix, term)
+      @search_types = %i(statuses)
+      @filter = {
+        from: :account_id,
+        mentions: :mentions_ids,
+        to: :mentions_ids,
+      }[prefix.to_sym] or raise Mastodon::SyntaxError, "Unknown account filter prefix: #{prefix}"
+      username, domain = term.gsub(/\A@/, '').split('@')
+      domain           = nil if TagManager.instance.local_domain?(domain)
+      account          = Account.find_remote!(username, domain)
+      @term = account.id
+    end
+    def initialize_scope(operator, term)
+      raise Mastodon::SyntaxError, 'Operator not allowed for scope: prefix' unless operator.nil?
+      case term
+      when 'classic'
+        @search_types = %i(statuses)
+        @filter = 'searchable_by'
+        @term = :account_id_placeholder
+      when 'following'
+        @query = :terms
+        # This scope queries different fields depending on search context.
+        @filter = :account_id_filter_placeholder
+        @term = :following_ids_placeholder
+      else
+        raise Mastodon::SyntaxError, "Unknown scope: #{term}"
+      end
+    end
+    def initialize_sort(operator, term)
+      raise Mastodon::SyntaxError, 'Operator not allowed for sort: prefix' unless operator.nil?
+      @operator = :order
+      @term = :created_at
+      @order = {
+        oldest: :asc,
+        newest: :desc,
+      }[term.to_sym] or raise Mastodon::SyntaxError, "Unknown sort: #{term}"
+    end
   rule(clause: subtree(:clause)) do
-    prefix   = clause[:prefix][:term].to_s if clause[:prefix]
+    prefix   = clause[:prefix]&.to_s
     operator = clause[:operator]&.to_s
     if clause[:prefix]
-      PrefixClause.new(prefix, clause[:term].to_s)
+      PrefixClause.new(prefix, operator, clause[:term].to_s)
     elsif clause[:term]
       TermClause.new(prefix, operator, clause[:term].to_s)
     elsif clause[:shortcode]
-      TermClause.new(prefix, operator, ":#{clause[:term]}:")
+      EmojiClause.new(prefix, operator, clause[:shortcode].to_s)
+    elsif clause[:hashtag]
+      TagClause.new(prefix, operator, clause[:hashtag].to_s)
     elsif clause[:phrase]
-      PhraseClause.new(prefix, operator, clause[:phrase].is_a?(Array) ? clause[:phrase].map { |p| p[:term].to_s }.join(' ') : clause[:phrase].to_s)
+      PhraseClause.new(prefix, operator, clause[:phrase].to_s)
-      raise "Unexpected clause type: #{clause}"
+      raise Mastodon::SyntaxError, "Unexpected clause type: #{clause}"
diff --git a/app/models/account.rb b/app/models/account.rb
index 4fc7b9d08b..6e8ba3547b 100644
--- a/app/models/account.rb
+++ b/app/models/account.rb
@@ -545,6 +545,39 @@ class Account < ApplicationRecord
+  def searchable_text
+    [
+      PlainTextFormatter.new(note, local?).to_s,
+      fields.map do |field|
+        [
+          field.name,
+          PlainTextFormatter.new(field.value, local?).to_s,
+        ].join(' ')
+      end,
+    ].join("\n\n")
+  end
+  def searchable_emojis
+    CustomEmoji.from_text(display_name, domain).reject(&:disabled).pluck(:shortcode)
+  end
+  def searchable_tags
+    return [] unless discoverable
+    tags = []
+    tags += Extractor.extract_hashtags(PlainTextFormatter.new(note, local?).to_s)
+    tags += featured_tags.pluck(:name)
+    tags.uniq
+  end
+  def searchable_is
+    keywords = []
+    keywords << :bot if bot?
+    keywords << :group if group?
+    keywords << :local if local?
+    keywords
+  end
   def prepare_contents
diff --git a/app/models/status.rb b/app/models/status.rb
index 8a58e5d685..6de8b98e13 100644
--- a/app/models/status.rb
+++ b/app/models/status.rb
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ class Status < ApplicationRecord
   scope :without_replies, -> { where('statuses.reply = FALSE OR statuses.in_reply_to_account_id = statuses.account_id') }
   scope :without_reblogs, -> { where(statuses: { reblog_of_id: nil }) }
   scope :with_public_visibility, -> { where(visibility: :public) }
+  scope :with_public_or_unlisted_visibility, -> { where(visibility: [:public, :unlisted]) }
   scope :tagged_with, ->(tag_ids) { joins(:statuses_tags).where(statuses_tags: { tag_id: tag_ids }) }
   scope :excluding_silenced_accounts, -> { left_outer_joins(:account).where(accounts: { silenced_at: nil }) }
   scope :including_silenced_accounts, -> { left_outer_joins(:account).where.not(accounts: { silenced_at: nil }) }
@@ -171,6 +172,10 @@ class Status < ApplicationRecord
+  def searchable_mentions_ids
+    mentions.joins(:account).active.pluck(:account_id)
+  end
   def searchable_text
@@ -180,6 +185,38 @@ class Status < ApplicationRecord
+  def searchable_emojis
+    emojis.reject(&:disabled).pluck(:shortcode)
+  end
+  def searchable_tags
+    Extractor.extract_hashtags(FormattingHelper.extract_status_plain_text(self))
+  end
+  def searchable_is
+    keywords = []
+    keywords << :bot if account.bot?
+    keywords << :group if account.group?
+    # Glitch and Hometown have local-only posts. Vanilla Mastodon doesn't.
+    keywords << :local_only if self.class.method_defined?(:local_only?) && local_only?
+    keywords << :reply if reply?
+    keywords << :sensitive if sensitive?
+    keywords
+  end
+  def searchable_has
+    keywords = []
+    keywords << :warning if spoiler_text?
+    keywords << :link if FetchLinkCardService.new.link?(self)
+    keywords << :poll if preloadable_poll.present?
+    media_types = media_attachments.pluck(:type).map(&:to_sym).uniq
+    keywords << :media if media_types.present?
+    keywords += media_types.reject { |t| t == :unknown }
+    keywords
+  end
   def to_log_human_identifier
diff --git a/app/services/account_search_service.rb b/app/services/account_search_service.rb
index dfc3a45f8f..cbafdedae7 100644
--- a/app/services/account_search_service.rb
+++ b/app/services/account_search_service.rb
@@ -72,20 +72,18 @@ class AccountSearchService < BaseService
   def from_elasticsearch
-    must_clauses   = [{ multi_match: { query: terms_for_query, fields: likely_acct? ? %w(acct.edge_ngram acct) : %w(acct.edge_ngram acct display_name.edge_ngram display_name), type: 'most_fields', operator: 'and' } }]
-    should_clauses = []
+    return [] if account && options[:following] && following_ids.empty?
-    if account
-      return [] if options[:following] && following_ids.empty?
-      if options[:following]
-        must_clauses << { terms: { id: following_ids } }
-      elsif following_ids.any?
-        should_clauses << { terms: { id: following_ids, boost: 100 } }
-      end
-    end
-    query     = { bool: { must: must_clauses, should: should_clauses } }
+    query = SearchQueryTransformer
+            .new
+            .apply(SearchQueryParser.new.parse(@query))
+            .accounts_query(
+              likely_acct?,
+              Rails.configuration.x.account_search_scope,
+              !account.nil?,
+              options[:following],
+              following_ids
+            )
     functions = [reputation_score_function, followers_score_function, time_distance_function]
     records = AccountsIndex.query(function_score: { query: query, functions: functions, boost_mode: 'multiply', score_mode: 'avg' })
diff --git a/app/services/fetch_link_card_service.rb b/app/services/fetch_link_card_service.rb
index 8d07958b73..ba7cd29709 100644
--- a/app/services/fetch_link_card_service.rb
+++ b/app/services/fetch_link_card_service.rb
@@ -34,6 +34,15 @@ class FetchLinkCardService < BaseService
+  # Detect whether the status has at least one link.
+  def link?(status)
+    @status       = status
+    @original_url = parse_urls
+    !@original_url.nil?
+  rescue Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError
+    false
+  end
   def process_url
diff --git a/app/services/search_service.rb b/app/services/search_service.rb
index b1ce5453fb..768504beb6 100644
--- a/app/services/search_service.rb
+++ b/app/services/search_service.rb
@@ -15,9 +15,39 @@ class SearchService < BaseService
       if url_query?
         results.merge!(url_resource_results) unless url_resource.nil? || @offset.positive? || (@options[:type].present? && url_resource_symbol != @options[:type].to_sym)
       elsif @query.present?
-        results[:accounts] = perform_accounts_search! if account_searchable?
-        results[:statuses] = perform_statuses_search! if full_text_searchable?
-        results[:hashtags] = perform_hashtags_search! if hashtag_searchable?
+        # Account and status searches use different sets of prefix operators.
+        # Throw a syntax error only if the syntax is invalid in all search contexts.
+        search_succeeded = false
+        syntax_error = nil
+        if account_searchable?
+          begin
+            results[:accounts] = perform_accounts_search!
+            search_succeeded = true
+          rescue Mastodon::SyntaxError => e
+            syntax_error = e
+          end
+        end
+        if status_searchable?
+          begin
+            results[:statuses] = perform_statuses_search!
+            search_succeeded = true
+          rescue Mastodon::SyntaxError => e
+            syntax_error = e
+          end
+        end
+        if hashtag_searchable?
+          begin
+            results[:hashtags] = perform_hashtags_search!
+            search_succeeded = true
+          rescue Mastodon::SyntaxError => e
+            syntax_error = e
+          end
+        end
+        raise syntax_error unless syntax_error.nil? || search_succeeded
@@ -35,7 +65,34 @@ class SearchService < BaseService
   def perform_statuses_search!
-    definition = parsed_query.apply(StatusesIndex.filter(term: { searchable_by: @account.id }))
+    required_account_ids = parsed_query.statuses_required_account_ids
+    return [] if @account.blocked_by.exists?(id: required_account_ids)
+    statuses_index = StatusesIndex.filter(term: { searchable_by: @account.id })
+    status_search_scope = Rails.configuration.x.status_search_scope
+    case status_search_scope
+    when :discoverable
+      statuses_index = statuses_index.filter.or(
+        bool: {
+          filter: [
+            { term: { visibility: 'public' } },
+            { term: { discoverable: true } },
+            { term: { silenced: false } },
+          ],
+        }
+      )
+    when :public
+      statuses_index = statuses_index.filter.or(term: { visibility: 'public' })
+    when :public_or_unlisted
+      statuses_index = statuses_index.filter.or(terms: { visibility: %w(public unlisted) })
+    when :classic
+      # No alternate filter queries.
+    else
+      raise InvalidParameterError, "Unexpected status search scope: #{status_search_scope}"
+    end
+    definition = parsed_query.statuses_apply(statuses_index, @account.id, following_ids)
     definition = definition.filter(term: { account_id: @options[:account_id] }) if @options[:account_id].present?
@@ -85,14 +142,14 @@ class SearchService < BaseService
-  def full_text_searchable?
+  def status_searchable?
     return false unless Chewy.enabled?
-    statuses_search? && !@account.nil? && !((@query.start_with?('#') || @query.include?('@')) && !@query.include?(' '))
+    statuses_search? && !@account.nil?
   def account_searchable?
-    account_search? && !(@query.start_with?('#') || (@query.include?('@') && @query.include?(' ')))
+    account_search?
   def hashtag_searchable?
@@ -114,4 +171,8 @@ class SearchService < BaseService
   def parsed_query
+  def following_ids
+    @following_ids ||= @account.active_relationships.pluck(:target_account_id) + [@account.id]
+  end
diff --git a/config/initializers/search_scope.rb b/config/initializers/search_scope.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..218246fa28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/initializers/search_scope.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+Rails.application.configure do
+  # STATUS_SEARCH_SCOPE was previously known as SEARCH_SCOPE and only covered statuses.
+  config.x.status_search_scope = case
+  when (ENV['STATUS_SEARCH_SCOPE'] || ENV['SEARCH_SCOPE']) == 'discoverable'
+    :discoverable
+  when (ENV['STATUS_SEARCH_SCOPE'] || ENV['SEARCH_SCOPE']) == 'public'
+    :public
+  when (ENV['STATUS_SEARCH_SCOPE'] || ENV['SEARCH_SCOPE']) == 'public_or_unlisted'
+    :public_or_unlisted
+  else
+    :classic
+  end
+  config.x.account_search_scope = case
+  when ENV['ACCOUNT_SEARCH_SCOPE'] == 'all'
+    :all
+  when ENV['ACCOUNT_SEARCH_SCOPE'] == 'discoverable'
+    :discoverable
+  else
+    :classic
+  end
diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb
index 0999331165..dd396b6884 100644
--- a/config/routes.rb
+++ b/config/routes.rb
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+    /search-reference
diff --git a/spec/lib/search_query_parser_spec.rb b/spec/lib/search_query_parser_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee3287d971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/lib/search_query_parser_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'rails_helper'
+describe SearchQueryParser do
+  subject(:parser) { described_class.new }
+  describe '#parse' do
+    context 'when given a simple text query' do
+      let(:query) { 'text' }
+      it 'parses the query' do
+        parsed_query = parser.parse(query)
+        expect(parsed_query).to match(
+          query: [
+            {
+              clause: {
+                term: 'text',
+              },
+            },
+          ]
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a query with a remote account name' do
+      let(:query) { 'user@domain.tld' }
+      it 'parses the account name as a term' do
+        parsed_query = parser.parse(query)
+        expect(parsed_query).to match(
+          query: [
+            {
+              clause: {
+                term: 'user@domain.tld',
+              },
+            },
+          ]
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a query with an @-prefixed remote account name' do
+      let(:query) { '@user@domain.tld' }
+      it 'parses the account name as a term' do
+        parsed_query = parser.parse(query)
+        expect(parsed_query).to match(
+          query: [
+            {
+              clause: {
+                term: '@user@domain.tld',
+              },
+            },
+          ]
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a query with an @-prefixed local account name' do
+      let(:query) { '@user' }
+      it 'parses the account name as a term' do
+        parsed_query = parser.parse(query)
+        expect(parsed_query).to match(
+          query: [
+            {
+              clause: {
+                term: '@user',
+              },
+            },
+          ]
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a quoted phrase query' do
+      let(:query) { '"a phrase"' }
+      it 'parses the query' do
+        parsed_query = parser.parse(query)
+        expect(parsed_query).to match(
+          query: [
+            {
+              clause: {
+                phrase: 'a phrase',
+              },
+            },
+          ]
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a malformed quoted phrase query' do
+      let(:query) { '"a phrase' }
+      it 'raises a Parslet exception' do
+        expect { parser.parse(query) }.to raise_exception Parslet::ParseFailed
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a text query with an operator' do
+      let(:query) { '+text' }
+      it 'parses the query' do
+        parsed_query = parser.parse(query)
+        expect(parsed_query).to match(
+          query: [
+            {
+              clause: {
+                operator: '+',
+                term: 'text',
+              },
+            },
+          ]
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a prefix query' do
+      let(:query) { 'from:user' }
+      it 'parses the query' do
+        parsed_query = parser.parse(query)
+        expect(parsed_query).to match(
+          query: [
+            {
+              clause: {
+                prefix: 'from',
+                term: 'user',
+              },
+            },
+          ]
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a query containing a prefix with nothing after it' do
+      let(:query) { 'from:' }
+      it 'raises a Parslet exception' do
+        expect { parser.parse(query) }.to raise_exception Parslet::ParseFailed
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a prefix query with an operator' do
+      let(:query) { '-from:user' }
+      it 'parses the query' do
+        parsed_query = parser.parse(query)
+        expect(parsed_query).to match(
+          query: [
+            {
+              clause: {
+                operator: '-',
+                prefix: 'from',
+                term: 'user',
+              },
+            },
+          ]
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a prefix query with a remote account name' do
+      let(:query) { 'from:user@domain.tld' }
+      it 'parses the query' do
+        parsed_query = parser.parse(query)
+        expect(parsed_query).to match(
+          query: [
+            {
+              clause: {
+                prefix: 'from',
+                term: 'user@domain.tld',
+              },
+            },
+          ]
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a mixed text and hashtag query' do
+      let(:query) { 'text #hashtag' }
+      it 'parses the query' do
+        parsed_query = parser.parse(query)
+        expect(parsed_query).to match(
+          query: [
+            {
+              clause: {
+                term: 'text',
+              },
+            },
+            {
+              clause: {
+                hashtag: 'hashtag',
+              },
+            },
+          ]
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a bare URL query' do
+      let(:query) { 'https://example.org/' }
+      it 'parses the URL as a term' do
+        parsed_query = parser.parse(query)
+        expect(parsed_query).to match(
+          query: [
+            {
+              clause: {
+                term: 'https://example.org/',
+              },
+            },
+          ]
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a quoted URL query' do
+      let(:query) { '"https://example.org/"' }
+      it 'parses the URL as a phrase' do
+        parsed_query = parser.parse(query)
+        expect(parsed_query).to match(
+          query: [
+            {
+              clause: {
+                phrase: 'https://example.org/',
+              },
+            },
+          ]
+        )
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/spec/lib/search_query_transformer_spec.rb b/spec/lib/search_query_transformer_spec.rb
index 1095334695..b608b6e0dd 100644
--- a/spec/lib/search_query_transformer_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/search_query_transformer_spec.rb
@@ -3,16 +3,252 @@
 require 'rails_helper'
 describe SearchQueryTransformer do
-  describe 'initialization' do
-    let(:parser) { SearchQueryParser.new.parse('query') }
+  subject(:transformer) { described_class.new.apply(SearchQueryParser.new.parse(query)) }
-    it 'sets attributes' do
-      transformer = described_class.new.apply(parser)
+  describe '#initialize' do
+    context 'when given a query' do
+      let(:query) { 'query' }
-      expect(transformer.should_clauses.first).to be_a(SearchQueryTransformer::TermClause)
-      expect(transformer.must_clauses.first).to be_nil
-      expect(transformer.must_not_clauses.first).to be_nil
-      expect(transformer.filter_clauses.first).to be_nil
+      it 'sets attributes' do
+        expect(transformer.should_clauses.first).to be_a(SearchQueryTransformer::TermClause)
+        expect(transformer.must_clauses.first).to be_nil
+        expect(transformer.must_not_clauses.first).to be_nil
+        expect(transformer.filter_clauses.first).to be_nil
+        expect(transformer.order_clauses.first).to be_nil
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a domain: query for the test domain' do
+      let(:query) { 'domain:cb6e6126.ngrok.io' }
+      it 'generates a does-not-exist query on the domain field' do
+        expect(transformer.must_not_clauses.length).to eq(1)
+        expect(transformer.filter_clauses).to be_empty
+        clause = transformer.must_not_clauses[0]
+        expect(clause).to be_a(described_class::PrefixClause)
+        expect(clause.query).to eq(:exists)
+        expect(clause.filter).to eq(:field)
+        expect(clause.term).to eq('domain')
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a domain: query for a remote domain' do
+      let(:query) { 'domain:example.org' }
+      it 'generates a match query on the domain field' do
+        expect(transformer.must_not_clauses).to be_empty
+        expect(transformer.filter_clauses.length).to eq(1)
+        clause = transformer.filter_clauses[0]
+        expect(clause).to be_a(described_class::PrefixClause)
+        expect(clause.query).to eq(:term)
+        expect(clause.filter).to eq('domain')
+        expect(clause.term).to eq('example.org')
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given an is:local query' do
+      let(:query) { 'is:local' }
+      it 'generates a does-not-exist query on the domain field' do
+        expect(transformer.must_not_clauses.length).to eq(1)
+        expect(transformer.filter_clauses).to be_empty
+        clause = transformer.must_not_clauses[0]
+        expect(clause).to be_a(described_class::PrefixClause)
+        expect(clause.query).to eq(:exists)
+        expect(clause.filter).to eq(:field)
+        expect(clause.term).to eq('domain')
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a -is:local query' do
+      let(:query) { '-is:local' }
+      it 'generates an exists query on the domain field' do
+        expect(transformer.must_not_clauses).to be_empty
+        expect(transformer.filter_clauses.length).to eq(1)
+        clause = transformer.filter_clauses[0]
+        expect(clause).to be_a(described_class::PrefixClause)
+        expect(clause.query).to eq(:exists)
+        expect(clause.filter).to eq(:field)
+        expect(clause.term).to eq('domain')
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given an is:sensitive query' do
+      let(:query) { 'is:sensitive' }
+      it 'generates a term query on the is field' do
+        expect(transformer.must_not_clauses).to be_empty
+        expect(transformer.filter_clauses.length).to eq(1)
+        clause = transformer.filter_clauses[0]
+        expect(clause).to be_a(described_class::PrefixClause)
+        expect(clause.query).to eq(:term)
+        expect(clause.filter).to eq('is')
+        expect(clause.term).to eq('sensitive')
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given an -is:sensitive query' do
+      let(:query) { '-is:sensitive' }
+      it 'generates a term query on the is field' do
+        expect(transformer.must_not_clauses.length).to eq(1)
+        expect(transformer.filter_clauses).to be_empty
+        clause = transformer.must_not_clauses[0]
+        expect(clause).to be_a(described_class::PrefixClause)
+        expect(clause.query).to eq(:term)
+        expect(clause.filter).to eq('is')
+        expect(clause.term).to eq('sensitive')
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  describe '#statuses_required_account_ids' do
+    let(:blocking_account) { Fabricate(:account, domain: nil, username: 'blocksyou') }
+    before do
+      blocking_account.save!
+    end
+    context 'when given a from: query' do
+      let(:query) { 'from:blocksyou' }
+      it "returns the mentioned account's ID" do
+        required_account_ids = transformer.statuses_required_account_ids
+        expect(required_account_ids).to include(blocking_account.id)
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a -from: query' do
+      let(:query) { '-from:blocksyou' }
+      it "does not return the mentioned account's ID" do
+        required_account_ids = transformer.statuses_required_account_ids
+        expect(required_account_ids).to_not include(blocking_account.id)
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a mentions: query' do
+      let(:query) { 'mentions:blocksyou' }
+      it "returns the mentioned account's ID" do
+        required_account_ids = transformer.statuses_required_account_ids
+        expect(required_account_ids).to include(blocking_account.id)
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a -mentions: query' do
+      let(:query) { '-mentions:blocksyou' }
+      it "does not return the mentioned account's ID" do
+        required_account_ids = transformer.statuses_required_account_ids
+        expect(required_account_ids).to_not include(blocking_account.id)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  describe '#statuses_apply' do
+    let(:account) { Fabricate(:account, domain: nil, username: 'you') }
+    let(:following_ids) { [] }
+    context 'when given a simple text query' do
+      let(:query) { 'text' }
+      it 'modifies the search based on the query' do
+        search = Chewy::Search::Request.new
+        search = transformer.statuses_apply(search, account.id, following_ids)
+        expect(search.render).to match(
+          hash_including(
+            body: hash_including(
+              query: hash_including(
+                bool: hash_including(
+                  :should
+                )
+              )
+            )
+          )
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a query with universal operators' do
+      let(:query) { '-is:bot' }
+      it 'modifies the search based on the query' do
+        search = Chewy::Search::Request.new
+        search = transformer.statuses_apply(search, account.id, following_ids)
+        expect(search.render).to match(
+          hash_including(
+            body: hash_including(
+              query: hash_including(
+                bool: hash_including(
+                  :must_not
+                )
+              )
+            )
+          )
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a query with status-specific operators' do
+      let(:query) { 'is:reply' }
+      it 'modifies the search based on the query' do
+        search = Chewy::Search::Request.new
+        search = transformer.statuses_apply(search, account.id, following_ids)
+        expect(search.render).to match(
+          hash_including(
+            body: hash_including(
+              query: hash_including(
+                bool: hash_including(
+                  :filter
+                )
+              )
+            )
+          )
+        )
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  describe '#accounts_query' do
+    let(:likely_acct) { false }
+    let(:search_scope) { :discoverable }
+    let(:account_exists) { true }
+    let(:following) { false }
+    let(:following_ids) { [] }
+    context 'when given a simple text query' do
+      let(:query) { 'text' }
+      it 'returns an ES query hash' do
+        es_query = transformer.accounts_query(likely_acct, search_scope, account_exists, following, following_ids)
+        expect(es_query).to be_a(Hash)
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a query with universal operators' do
+      let(:query) { '-is:bot' }
+      it 'returns an ES query hash' do
+        es_query = transformer.accounts_query(likely_acct, search_scope, account_exists, following, following_ids)
+        expect(es_query).to be_a(Hash)
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when given a query with status-specific operators' do
+      let(:query) { 'is:reply' }
+      it 'throws a syntax error' do
+        expect { transformer.accounts_query(likely_acct, search_scope, account_exists, following, following_ids) }.to raise_exception Mastodon::SyntaxError
+      end
diff --git a/spec/services/search_service_spec.rb b/spec/services/search_service_spec.rb
index 1ad0efe0af..050df1a769 100644
--- a/spec/services/search_service_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/services/search_service_spec.rb
@@ -92,15 +92,6 @@ describe SearchService, type: :service do
           expect(Tag).to_not have_received(:search_for)
           expect(results).to eq empty_results
-        it 'does not include account when starts with # character' do
-          query = '#tag'
-          allow(AccountSearchService).to receive(:new)
-          results = subject.call(query, nil, 10)
-          expect(AccountSearchService).to_not have_received(:new)
-          expect(results).to eq empty_results
-        end