From cbd673601c5f762d71f65404c3b7ad5b3751ee8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Koala Yeung <>
Date: Mon, 8 May 2017 21:56:00 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Add Thai langauge (#2903)

* Updated Thai language

* locale: remove unused translation in Thai

* locale: add Thai to settings menu and application

* locale: fix format
 app/helpers/settings_helper.rb                |   1 +
 .../user_mailer/   |   3 +
 .../user_mailer/   |   3 +
 .../   |   8 ++
 .../   |   8 ++
 config/application.rb                         |   1 +
 config/locales/            |  13 ++
 config/locales/                  |  61 ++++++++++
 config/locales/              | 113 ++++++++++++++++++
 config/locales/             |  53 ++++++++
 config/locales/th.yml                         |   6 +-
 11 files changed, 268 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 app/views/user_mailer/
 create mode 100644 app/views/user_mailer/
 create mode 100644 app/views/user_mailer/
 create mode 100644 app/views/user_mailer/
 create mode 100644 config/locales/
 create mode 100644 config/locales/
 create mode 100644 config/locales/
 create mode 100644 config/locales/

diff --git a/app/helpers/settings_helper.rb b/app/helpers/settings_helper.rb
index aff4c8a195..2f8b923e4b 100644
--- a/app/helpers/settings_helper.rb
+++ b/app/helpers/settings_helper.rb
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ module SettingsHelper
     pt: 'Português',
     'pt-BR': 'Português do Brasil',
     ru: 'Русский',
+    th: 'ภาษาไทย',
     tr: 'Türkçe',
     uk: 'Українська',
     'zh-CN': '简体中文',
diff --git a/app/views/user_mailer/ b/app/views/user_mailer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..948b1508a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/user_mailer/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<p>สวัสดี <%= %>!</p>
+<p>เราติดต่อเข้ามาเพื่อจะแจ้งให้คุณทราบว่าพาสเวิร์ด Mastodon เปลี่ยนแล้ว </p>
diff --git a/app/views/user_mailer/ b/app/views/user_mailer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d28a207cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/user_mailer/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+สวัสดี <%= %>!
+เราติดต่อมาเพื่อแจ้งให้คุณทราบว่า พาสเวิร์ดของคุณถูกเปลี่ยนแล้ว
diff --git a/app/views/user_mailer/ b/app/views/user_mailer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1fe1c27256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/user_mailer/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<p>สวัสดี <%= %>!</p>
+<p>มีการแจ้งขอลิงค์เปลี่ยนแปลงพาสเวิร์ดเข้า Mastodon ของคุณ. คุณสามารถแก้ไขพาสเวิร์ดได้ผ่านทางลิงค์ด้านล่างนี้.</p>
+<p><%= link_to 'Change my password', edit_password_url(@resource, reset_password_token: @token) %></p>
+<p>ถ้าคุณไม่ได้เป็นคนขอลิงค์นี้, กรุณาข้ามเมล์นี้ไป.</p>
diff --git a/app/views/user_mailer/ b/app/views/user_mailer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe73b0165c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/user_mailer/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Hello <%= %>!
+Someone has requested a link to change your password on Mastodon. You can do this through the link below.
+<%= edit_password_url(@resource, reset_password_token: @token) %>
+If you didn't request this, please ignore this email.
+Your password won't change until you access the link above and create a new one.
diff --git a/config/application.rb b/config/application.rb
index 5e6a59283f..070cccaa58 100644
--- a/config/application.rb
+++ b/config/application.rb
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ module Mastodon
+      :th,
diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a41f4bce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/locales/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+  activerecord:
+    errors:
+      models:
+        account:
+          attributes:
+            username:
+              invalid: only letters, numbers and underscores
+        status:
+          attributes:
+            reblog:
+              taken: of status already exists
diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fec944310c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/locales/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+  devise:
+    confirmations:
+      confirmed: Your email address has been successfully confirmed.
+      send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions for how to confirm your email address in a few minutes.
+      send_paranoid_instructions: If your email address exists in our database, you will receive an email with instructions for how to confirm your email address in a few minutes.
+    failure:
+      already_authenticated: You are already signed in.
+      inactive: Your account is not activated yet.
+      invalid: Invalid %{authentication_keys} or password.
+      last_attempt: You have one more attempt before your account is locked.
+      locked: Your account is locked.
+      not_found_in_database: Invalid %{authentication_keys} or password.
+      timeout: Your session expired. Please sign in again to continue.
+      unauthenticated: You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.
+      unconfirmed: You have to confirm your email address before continuing.
+    mailer:
+      confirmation_instructions:
+        subject: 'Mastodon: Confirmation instructions for %{instance}'
+      password_change:
+        subject: 'Mastodon: Password changed'
+      reset_password_instructions:
+        subject: 'Mastodon: Reset password instructions'
+      unlock_instructions:
+        subject: 'Mastodon: Unlock instructions'
+    omniauth_callbacks:
+      failure: Could not authenticate you from %{kind} because "%{reason}".
+      success: Successfully authenticated from %{kind} account.
+    passwords:
+      no_token: You can't access this page without coming from a password reset email. If you do come from a password reset email, please make sure you used the full URL provided.
+      send_instructions: If your email address exists in our database, you will receive a password recovery link at your email address in a few minutes.
+      send_paranoid_instructions: If your email address exists in our database, you will receive a password recovery link at your email address in a few minutes.
+      updated: Your password has been changed successfully. You are now signed in.
+      updated_not_active: Your password has been changed successfully.
+    registrations:
+      destroyed: Bye! Your account has been successfully cancelled. We hope to see you again soon.
+      signed_up: Welcome! You have signed up successfully.
+      signed_up_but_inactive: You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is not yet activated.
+      signed_up_but_locked: You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is locked.
+      signed_up_but_unconfirmed: A message with a confirmation link has been sent to your email address. Please follow the link to activate your account.
+      update_needs_confirmation: You updated your account successfully, but we need to verify your new email address. Please check your email and follow the confirm link to confirm your new email address.
+      updated: Your account has been updated successfully.
+    sessions:
+      already_signed_out: Signed out successfully.
+      signed_in: Signed in successfully.
+      signed_out: Signed out successfully.
+    unlocks:
+      send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions for how to unlock your account in a few minutes.
+      send_paranoid_instructions: If your account exists, you will receive an email with instructions for how to unlock it in a few minutes.
+      unlocked: Your account has been unlocked successfully. Please sign in to continue.
+  errors:
+    messages:
+      already_confirmed: was already confirmed, please try signing in
+      confirmation_period_expired: needs to be confirmed within %{period}, please request a new one
+      expired: has expired, please request a new one
+      not_found: not found
+      not_locked: was not locked
+      not_saved:
+        one: '1 error prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:'
+        other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:"
diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29673971be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/locales/
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+  activerecord:
+    attributes:
+      doorkeeper/application:
+        name: ชื่อ
+        redirect_uri: เปลี่ยนเส้นทาง URI
+    errors:
+      models:
+        doorkeeper/application:
+          attributes:
+            redirect_uri:
+              fragment_present: cannot contain a fragment.
+              invalid_uri: ต้องใช้ URI ที่ถูกต้อง.
+              relative_uri: ต้องเป็น absolute URI.
+              secured_uri: ต้องใช้ HTTPS/SSL URI.
+  doorkeeper:
+    applications:
+      buttons:
+        authorize: Authorize
+        cancel: ยกเลิก
+        destroy: ทำลาย
+        edit: แก้ไข
+        submit: Submit
+      confirmations:
+        destroy: แน่ใจนะ?
+      edit:
+        title: แก้ไข แอ๊ฟพลิเคชั่น
+      form:
+        error: Whoops! Check your form for possible errors
+      help:
+        native_redirect_uri: ใช้ %{native_redirect_uri} สำหรับการทดสอบ
+        redirect_uri: ใช้บรรทัดละหนึ่ง URI
+        scopes: Separate scopes with spaces. Leave blank to use the default scopes.
+      index:
+        callback_url: Callback URL
+        name: ชื่อ
+        new: New Application
+        title: Your applications
+      new:
+        title: New Application
+      show:
+        actions: Actions
+        application_id: Application Id
+        callback_urls: Callback urls
+        scopes: Scopes
+        secret: Secret
+        title: 'Application: %{name}'
+    authorizations:
+      buttons:
+        authorize: อนุญาติ
+        deny: ไม่อนุญาติ
+      error:
+        title: An error has occurred
+      new:
+        able_to: It will be able to
+        prompt: Application %{client_name} requests access to your account
+        title: Authorization required
+      show:
+        title: Authorization code
+    authorized_applications:
+      buttons:
+        revoke: ยกเลิกการอนุญาติ
+      confirmations:
+        revoke: Are you sure?
+      index:
+        application: Application
+        created_at: Authorized
+        date_format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+        scopes: Scopes
+        title: Your authorized applications
+    errors:
+      messages:
+        access_denied: The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
+        credential_flow_not_configured: Resource Owner Password Credentials flow failed due to Doorkeeper.configure.resource_owner_from_credentials being unconfigured.
+        invalid_client: Client authentication failed due to unknown client, no client authentication included, or unsupported authentication method.
+        invalid_grant: The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client.
+        invalid_redirect_uri: The redirect uri included is not valid.
+        invalid_request: The request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter value, or is otherwise malformed.
+        invalid_resource_owner: The provided resource owner credentials are not valid, or resource owner cannot be found
+        invalid_scope: The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed.
+        invalid_token:
+          expired: The access token expired
+          revoked: The access token was revoked
+          unknown: The access token is invalid
+        resource_owner_authenticator_not_configured: Resource Owner find failed due to Doorkeeper.configure.resource_owner_authenticator being unconfiged.
+        server_error: The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
+        temporarily_unavailable: The authorization server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
+        unauthorized_client: The client is not authorized to perform this request using this method.
+        unsupported_grant_type: The authorization grant type is not supported by the authorization server.
+        unsupported_response_type: The authorization server does not support this response type.
+    flash:
+      applications:
+        create:
+          notice: Application created.
+        destroy:
+          notice: Application deleted.
+        update:
+          notice: Application updated.
+      authorized_applications:
+        destroy:
+          notice: Application revoked.
+    layouts:
+      admin:
+        nav:
+          applications: Applications
+          oauth2_provider: OAuth2 Provider
+      application:
+        title: OAuth authorization required
+    scopes:
+      follow: follow, block, unblock and unfollow accounts
+      read: read your account's data
+      write: post on your behalf
diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22d6e870f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/locales/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+  simple_form:
+    hints:
+      defaults:
+        avatar: PNG, GIF or JPG. At most 2MB. Will be downscaled to 120x120px
+        display_name: '%{counter} characters left'
+        header: PNG, GIF or JPG. At most 2MB. Will be downscaled to 700x335px
+        locked: Requires you to manually approve followers and defaults post privacy to followers-only
+        note: '%{counter} characters left'
+      imports:
+        data: CSV file exported from another Mastodon instance
+      sessions:
+        otp: Enter the Two-factor code from your phone or use one of your recovery codes.
+      user:
+        allowed_languages: These languages will be allowed in your public timelines. Languages that are not selected will be filtered out.
+    labels:
+      defaults:
+        avatar: Avatar
+        confirm_new_password: Confirm new password
+        confirm_password: Confirm password
+        current_password: Current password
+        data: ข้อมูล
+        display_name: Display name
+        email: E-mail address
+        header: Header
+        locale: ภาษา
+        locked: Lock account
+        new_password: New password
+        note: Bio
+        otp_attempt: Two-factor code
+        password: พาร์สเวิร์ด
+        setting_auto_play_gif: Auto-play animated GIFs
+        setting_boost_modal: Show confirmation dialog before boosting
+        setting_default_privacy: Post privacy
+        severity: Severity
+        type: Import type
+        username: Username
+      interactions:
+        must_be_follower: Block notifications from non-followers
+        must_be_following: Block notifications from people you don't follow
+      notification_emails:
+        digest: Send digest e-mails
+        favourite: Send e-mail when someone favourites your status
+        follow: Send e-mail when someone follows you
+        follow_request: Send e-mail when someone requests to follow you
+        mention: Send e-mail when someone mentions you
+        reblog: Send e-mail when someone boosts your status
+    'no': 'ไม่'
+    required:
+      mark: "*"
+      text: required
+    'yes': 'ใช่'
diff --git a/config/locales/th.yml b/config/locales/th.yml
index 5383b31ab9..d29a26faac 100644
--- a/config/locales/th.yml
+++ b/config/locales/th.yml
@@ -48,12 +48,13 @@ th:
         name: "%{account_name} สร้างโน๊ต."
       name: "%{account_name}'s Outbox"
-      summary: "รวมกิจกรรมของผู้ใช้ %{account_name}."
+      summary: รวมกิจกรรมของผู้ใช้ %{account_name}.
       are_you_sure: แน่ใจนะ?
       confirm: ยืนยัน
       confirmed: ยึนยันแล้ว
+      disable_two_factor_authentication: Disable 2FA
       display_name: ชื่อสำหรับดีสเพล
       domain: โดแมน
       edit: แก้ไข
@@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ th:
           one: มีผลต่อหนึ่งแอคเค๊าท์ในฐานข้อมูล
-          other: "มีผลต่อแอคเค๊าท์ในฐานข้อมูลจำนวน %{count}"
+          other: มีผลต่อแอคเค๊าท์ในฐานข้อมูลจำนวน %{count}
           silence: ยกเลิกการปิดเสียงทุกแอคเค๊าท์จากโดเมน
           suspend: ยกเลิกการหยุดทุกแอคเค๊าท์จากโดเมน
@@ -221,6 +222,7 @@ th:
       content: การตรวจสอบความปลอดภัยล้มเหลว. คุณกำลังบล๊อกคุกกี้อยู่?
       title: การตรวจสอบความปลอดภัยล้มเหลว
+    '429': Throttled
     blocks: คุณบล๊อก
     csv: CSV