import { Map as ImmutableMap, fromJS } from 'immutable'; import { REBLOG_REQUEST, REBLOG_FAIL, FAVOURITE_REQUEST, FAVOURITE_FAIL, UNFAVOURITE_SUCCESS, BOOKMARK_REQUEST, BOOKMARK_FAIL, REACTION_UPDATE, REACTION_ADD_FAIL, REACTION_REMOVE_FAIL, REACTION_ADD_REQUEST, REACTION_REMOVE_REQUEST, } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/interactions'; import { STATUS_MUTE_SUCCESS, STATUS_UNMUTE_SUCCESS, STATUS_REVEAL, STATUS_HIDE, STATUS_COLLAPSE, STATUS_TRANSLATE_SUCCESS, STATUS_TRANSLATE_UNDO, STATUS_FETCH_REQUEST, STATUS_FETCH_FAIL, } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/statuses'; import { TIMELINE_DELETE, } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/timelines'; import { STATUS_IMPORT, STATUSES_IMPORT } from '../actions/importer'; const importStatus = (state, status) => state.set(, fromJS(status)); const importStatuses = (state, statuses) => state.withMutations(mutable => statuses.forEach(status => importStatus(mutable, status))); const deleteStatus = (state, id, references) => { references.forEach(ref => { state = deleteStatus(state, ref, []); }); return state.delete(id); }; const updateReaction = (state, id, name, updater) => state.update( id, status => status.update( 'reactions', reactions => { const index = reactions.findIndex(reaction => reaction.get('name') === name); if (index > -1) { return reactions.update(index, reaction => updater(reaction)); } else { return reactions.push(updater(fromJS({ name, count: 0 }))); } }, ), ); const updateReactionCount = (state, reaction) => updateReaction(state, reaction.status_id,, x => x.set('count', reaction.count)); // The url parameter is only used when adding a new custom emoji reaction // (one that wasn't in the reactions list before) because we don't have its // URL yet. In all other cases, it's undefined. const addReaction = (state, id, name, url) => updateReaction( state, id, name, x => x.set('me', true) .update('count', n => n + 1) .update('url', old => old ? old : url) .update('static_url', old => old ? old : url), ); const removeReaction = (state, id, name) => updateReaction( state, id, name, x => x.set('me', false).update('count', n => n - 1), ); const initialState = ImmutableMap(); export default function statuses(state = initialState, action) { switch(action.type) { case STATUS_FETCH_REQUEST: return state.setIn([, 'isLoading'], true); case STATUS_FETCH_FAIL: return state.delete(; case STATUS_IMPORT: return importStatus(state, action.status); case STATUSES_IMPORT: return importStatuses(state, action.statuses); case FAVOURITE_REQUEST: return state.setIn([action.status.get('id'), 'favourited'], true); case UNFAVOURITE_SUCCESS: return state.updateIn([action.status.get('id'), 'favourites_count'], x => Math.max(0, x - 1)); case FAVOURITE_FAIL: return state.get(action.status.get('id')) === undefined ? state : state.setIn([action.status.get('id'), 'favourited'], false); case BOOKMARK_REQUEST: return state.setIn([action.status.get('id'), 'bookmarked'], true); case BOOKMARK_FAIL: return state.get(action.status.get('id')) === undefined ? state : state.setIn([action.status.get('id'), 'bookmarked'], false); case REBLOG_REQUEST: return state.setIn([action.status.get('id'), 'reblogged'], true); case REBLOG_FAIL: return state.get(action.status.get('id')) === undefined ? state : state.setIn([action.status.get('id'), 'reblogged'], false); case REACTION_UPDATE: return updateReactionCount(state, action.reaction); case REACTION_ADD_REQUEST: case REACTION_REMOVE_FAIL: return addReaction(state,,, action.url); case REACTION_REMOVE_REQUEST: case REACTION_ADD_FAIL: return removeReaction(state,,; case STATUS_MUTE_SUCCESS: return state.setIn([, 'muted'], true); case STATUS_UNMUTE_SUCCESS: return state.setIn([, 'muted'], false); case STATUS_REVEAL: return state.withMutations(map => { action.ids.forEach(id => { if (!(state.get(id) === undefined)) { map.setIn([id, 'hidden'], false); } }); }); case STATUS_HIDE: return state.withMutations(map => { action.ids.forEach(id => { if (!(state.get(id) === undefined)) { map.setIn([id, 'hidden'], true); } }); }); case STATUS_COLLAPSE: return state.setIn([, 'collapsed'], action.isCollapsed); case TIMELINE_DELETE: return deleteStatus(state,, action.references); case STATUS_TRANSLATE_SUCCESS: return state.setIn([, 'translation'], fromJS(action.translation)); case STATUS_TRANSLATE_UNDO: return state.deleteIn([, 'translation']); default: return state; } }