fef b796afc818
make number of visible reactions a vanilla setting
Reactions will be backported to the vanilla
flavour, which requires all related settings to
be accessible from the vanilla settings page
rather than the glitch specific settings modal.
2023-05-27 11:59:32 +02:00

164 lines
5.7 KiB

// @ts-check
* @typedef Emoji
* @property {string} shortcode
* @property {string} static_url
* @property {string} url
* @typedef AccountField
* @property {string} name
* @property {string} value
* @property {string} verified_at
* @typedef Account
* @property {string} acct
* @property {string} avatar
* @property {string} avatar_static
* @property {boolean} bot
* @property {string} created_at
* @property {boolean=} discoverable
* @property {string} display_name
* @property {Emoji[]} emojis
* @property {AccountField[]} fields
* @property {number} followers_count
* @property {number} following_count
* @property {boolean} group
* @property {string} header
* @property {string} header_static
* @property {string} id
* @property {string=} last_status_at
* @property {boolean} locked
* @property {string} note
* @property {number} statuses_count
* @property {string} url
* @property {string} username
* @typedef {[code: string, name: string, localName: string]} InitialStateLanguage
* @typedef InitialStateMeta
* @property {string} access_token
* @property {boolean=} advanced_layout
* @property {boolean} auto_play_gif
* @property {boolean} activity_api_enabled
* @property {string} admin
* @property {boolean=} boost_modal
* @property {boolean=} favourite_modal
* @property {boolean} crop_images
* @property {boolean=} delete_modal
* @property {boolean=} disable_swiping
* @property {string=} disabled_account_id
* @property {string} display_media
* @property {string} domain
* @property {boolean=} expand_spoilers
* @property {boolean} limited_federation_mode
* @property {string} locale
* @property {string | null} mascot
* @property {string=} me
* @property {string=} moved_to_account_id
* @property {string=} owner
* @property {boolean} profile_directory
* @property {boolean} registrations_open
* @property {boolean} reduce_motion
* @property {string} repository
* @property {boolean} search_enabled
* @property {boolean} single_user_mode
* @property {string} source_url
* @property {string} streaming_api_base_url
* @property {boolean} timeline_preview
* @property {string} title
* @property {boolean} trends
* @property {boolean} trends_as_landing_page
* @property {boolean} unfollow_modal
* @property {boolean} use_blurhash
* @property {boolean=} use_pending_items
* @property {string} version
* @property {boolean} translation_enabled
* @property {string} status_page_url
* @property {boolean} system_emoji_font
* @property {string} default_content_type
* @typedef InitialState
* @property {Record<string, Account>} accounts
* @property {InitialStateLanguage[]} languages
* @property {InitialStateMeta} meta
* @property {object} local_settings
* @property {number} max_toot_chars
* @property {number} poll_limits
const element = document.getElementById('initial-state');
/** @type {InitialState | undefined} */
const initialState = element?.textContent && JSON.parse(element.textContent);
// Glitch-soc-specific “local settings”
if (initialState) {
try {
// @ts-expect-error
initialState.local_settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('mastodon-settings'));
} catch (e) {
initialState.local_settings = {};
* @template {keyof InitialStateMeta} K
* @param {K} prop
* @returns {InitialStateMeta[K] | undefined}
const getMeta = (prop) => initialState?.meta && initialState.meta[prop];
export const activityApiEnabled = getMeta('activity_api_enabled');
export const autoPlayGif = getMeta('auto_play_gif');
export const boostModal = getMeta('boost_modal');
export const cropImages = getMeta('crop_images');
export const deleteModal = getMeta('delete_modal');
export const disableSwiping = getMeta('disable_swiping');
export const disabledAccountId = getMeta('disabled_account_id');
export const displayMedia = getMeta('display_media');
export const domain = getMeta('domain');
export const expandSpoilers = getMeta('expand_spoilers');
export const forceSingleColumn = !getMeta('advanced_layout');
export const limitedFederationMode = getMeta('limited_federation_mode');
export const mascot = getMeta('mascot');
export const maxReactions = (initialState && initialState.max_reactions) || 1;
export const me = getMeta('me');
export const movedToAccountId = getMeta('moved_to_account_id');
export const visibleReactions = getMeta('visible_reactions');
export const owner = getMeta('owner');
export const profile_directory = getMeta('profile_directory');
export const reduceMotion = getMeta('reduce_motion');
export const registrationsOpen = getMeta('registrations_open');
export const repository = getMeta('repository');
export const searchEnabled = getMeta('search_enabled');
export const showTrends = getMeta('trends');
export const singleUserMode = getMeta('single_user_mode');
export const source_url = getMeta('source_url');
export const timelinePreview = getMeta('timeline_preview');
export const title = getMeta('title');
export const trendsAsLanding = getMeta('trends_as_landing_page');
export const unfollowModal = getMeta('unfollow_modal');
export const useBlurhash = getMeta('use_blurhash');
export const usePendingItems = getMeta('use_pending_items');
export const version = getMeta('version');
export const languages = initialState?.languages;
export const statusPageUrl = getMeta('status_page_url');
// Glitch-soc-specific settings
export const maxChars = (initialState && initialState.max_toot_chars) || 500;
export const favouriteModal = getMeta('favourite_modal');
export const pollLimits = (initialState && initialState.poll_limits);
export const defaultContentType = getMeta('default_content_type');
export const useSystemEmojiFont = getMeta('system_emoji_font');
export default initialState;